Mustard & Pepper Summer 2024
2024 DDTCA National Specialty Results
9-12 month class. My pick was a happy mustard male, Loving Eyes Clyde At Dreamboat, who was a good mover with a lovely topline and a showy attitude. He was also my BOS in Sweeps. A close 2 nd was a sweet pepper boy, Altpalme Prince of the Isles. There was a greater variety in bitches with single puppies in the 6-9 month & 12-15 month classes and several entries in the 9-12 mo. class. Two young puppies – one 6 months old & one 9 months old, really stood out in the ring. They were full of presence and energy; had correct toplines; tight, penciled coats; and well-balanced conformation. My “runner up” was an eye-catching, 6-month-old mustard bitch, Brielle King’s Mtn Kamenica, with a bright future. In the end, the 9-month-old mustard, Victorialis Jet Gaze Girl At Everland, didn’t miss a step, going through several rounds in the ring and became as my 1 st choice/Best in Sweeps. I know how much time it takes to prepare young Dandies for the show ring. You all did a fine job and I appreciate your entries in Sweepstakes this year. Unfortunately, there were no Veteran Sweeps entries. It’s heart-warming and exhilarating to see the strength and joy of 7-12-year-old Dandies showing in the ring. I urge you to enter your veteran next year. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed, nor will the spectators. Puppy (9-12 Months), Dogs 1. LOVINGEYES CLYDE AT DREAMBOAT (Dreamboat Super Nova Of Glahms x Glahms Bonnie Wee Lassie). Breeder: Niki Foley-Sen. Owner: Laura Chapal BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKES 2. ALTPALME PRINCE OF THE ISLES (CH Everland Castle x Altpalme Asturias) Breeders: Patrick Blackmon/Al bert Baker Knoll. Owner: Patrick Blackmon SWEEPSTAKES
Richard Yoho, Richard Harvey, Scott and Kara Coykendall dressed in Scottish style!
2024 National Sweepstakes Results and Judge’s Critique – Judge: Barbara A. Baese, Judge
I would like to thank the DDTCA and our Club members for selecting me to judge this year’s Puppy Sweepstakes. It was an honor to be invited to judge at our Specialty for the third time in my 34 years in the breed. After so many years showing and breeding Dandies, I have a “type” preference based on the DDT Illustrated Standard and Discussion from 1991. In general I found a range in all entries, in both coats and ring training, especially in the younger puppies. Most of the Dandies had strong toplines, were nicely groomed, and well presented. There were just three dogs entered, all in the Puppy
Mustard & Pepper
Summer 2024
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