Mustard & Pepper Summer 2024

Table of Contents From the Editor

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Cover Story

From the President Delegate Report Legislative Report Secretary’s Report Membership Report

Introducing New Committee Chair, Alissa Flight Celebrating our Long-Tem Club Members Windsedge and Akc Sportsmanship Awards


Meet the Dandies

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to Darcy Downs-Vollbracht and Mary Downs for testing as many Dandies as they could for CGC and Trick Dog and having DNA swabs available. Thank you to BJ Pumfrey for the lovely pillows with our 2024 logo on them available at the auction and thank you to Scott Coykendall for his help setting up the AV equipment for the seminars. Thank you to Donna Francis and Betty-Anne Stenmark for their ringside mentoring during the National. Thank you to all that donated to and bid on items at the auction and to all that donated to the National general fund and for the National trophies ribbons. Last but not least, 100 million thanks to our President and my right-hand man, Sandy Wolfskill, without whom our National would not have been the success it was and without whom I would shoot myself. I’d also like to encourage each and everyone of you to volunteer to help at the 2025 National. If you’d like to continue to have all the extras and not have it be just a conformation show, we need help and lots of it. You need not live in or near Gray Summit – none of us do. Most of the jobs, if not all, can be done remotely and we need you. Please consider volunteering to do something for next year’s National.

2024 DDTCA National Specialty Results

Verastility Award Program


Features Are We Heading for Another Heat Wave?

Canine Hoopers!

America’s First BIS Dandie Dinmont

The Nose Knows

Taking the Guesswork Out of Dog Breeding with Progesterone Testing Reporting on Breeder Education Seminar #1

Events for Dandies

Advertising Kings’ Mtn. Jiminy Kriket

In Memoriam: Redclay Dreamboat Lieutenant Disher

Lovingeyes Clyde at Dreamboat Brielle King’s Mtn Kamenica King’s Mtn. Marvelous Mrs. Maisel King’s Mtn. Polly Anne Mouseling


Cover Story

From the Editor I always use my space here after our National to thank everyone that helped and this year is no different! First, I’d like to thank our seminar presenters, Jay Richardson for his “View From the Center of the Ring” seminar, Betty-Anne Stenmark, for our first Breeders Education Seminar, and Trisha Smith, for her “Estate Planning for Dog Lovers” seminar, all very well-received. If you did not attend, you really missed out. Additionally, thanks must go to Trisha for all the added Secretary work that comes along with the National. Many thanks to our new Trophy Chair, Melissa Jethanandani, for getting all the Specialty and Annual trophies to St. Louis this year, and all the volunteers who helped set up and man the trophy table, Earl Hunt, Rich Harvey, Janet Machala, and Dick Yoho. Additional thanks to Dick for the great Dandie cutout decorations that were auctioned off and the beautiful judges gifts that were so well-received. Thank you to Sheridan Dulaney for organizing the dinner at the banquet and Trista Acker for all the hard work that goes into the banquet auction. Additional thanks to Trista for all the added Treasurer responsibilities that go along with a National Specialty. Many thanks to all that helped her with set up at the auction, Barbara Baese, Karla Bevel, Cathy LoCascio, and Dick Yoho. Thank you ... Thank You!

CH King’s Mtn. Jiminy Kricket Jiminy Kricket has been to only two weekends of shows, always breeder-owner-handled by Sandra. Shown three times as a six-mont-old puppy on the 2023 National weekend he garnered 13 points and three majors, the highlight being Best of Winners

Mustard & Pepper


Summer 2024

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