M&P Winter 2024
Introducing Our New DDTCA Breeder Education Coordinator Betty-Anne Stenmark
T he AKC Parent Club Committee in conjunction with the AKC Board approved a program urging all parent clubs the importance of breeder education. They recommended the creation of a Breeder Education Coordinator position within each parent club. I am honored to have been chosen by your Board to be that person. I whelped my first litter of Dandies on May 26, 1976 and have been actively breeding these past 47 years. I have bred countless champions but never found it of any import to add up that number, feeling quality of the dogs much more important than numbers. So what is Breeder Education? The AKC suggests that it is a parent club’s responsibility to help educate its breeders and members on: • The Breed Standard – what does it mean and how to apply it • How to read and understand a pedigree • How to choose a stud dog or brood bitch • How to successfully have and raise a litter • How to choose the “right” puppy that meets the breed standard
• How to successfully raise a new puppy • How to interview and select your prospective puppy buyers • How to mentor breeders • How to preserve the breed’s legacy This is a tall order and obviously just like Rome couldn’t be built in a day, neither can all this be accomplished in just a year or two, but will be an ongoing commitment by this Club. To get the ball rolling I am passing along to each of you my phone number, 650-315-5270 and my email address, ba@kingsmtndandies.com. I invite phone calls between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If I don’t pick up, please leave me a short message and your number to call back. I answer all emails each morning. Our national specialty is upcoming on Saturday, June 1, 2024. We will be offering the first of our breeder education seminars in conjunction with the national show at the show site so convenient for all. Watch for details in the Specialty Booklet and the next issue of Mustard & Pepper.
It takes a village to build an active, exciting, and vibrant club – and that means as members, we want you to get involved with a committee. Or more than one if you are so inclined!
Work, yes, but also play! Just look at our Dancing Dandies!
DDTCA ~ 2024
Check out the Committee List in this issue of M&P . Text me at 440-382-5550 or email me at sandywolfskill@gmail.com and sign up NOW!
Mustard & Pepper
Winter 2023
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