Mustard & Pepper Winter 2022
SAC: Fun with Dandies —They’re Not Just for Show
by Lynda Angelis Maggie is at the start line. I put her on a wait, lead out, and then release. We both take off running through the prescribed obstacle course—over jumps, dogwalks, a - frames and through tunnels and weaves. Maggie watches my feet, my arms, my eyes and my body position. This is the amazing sport of Agility. At class we are corrected and do things over many times. Good training with a qualified instructor is essential. I entered the wonderful world of dog sports when Mag- gie came to live with us. Her parents both have national Agility titles and it was thought she would be a natural. She certainly is! I enrolled her in Sports Foundations and together we have progressed to advanced classes. The best part is that we are both having lots of fun. As a member of the Strategic Advisory Committee, I was looking for ways I could help advance the commit- tee ’ s mission of ensuring the longevity of our breed. Part of meeting that objective is to make sure that lots of peo- ple come to know and admire Dandies. This year I want to share my experiences in a series of articles that I hope will make more Dandie owners aware of how much fun we can have with our dogs. While having a good time, we can also help our breed by letting more people see how special it is. Since Maggie and I had such an enjoyable time doing Agility together, I decided to try Earthdog trials, which are restricted to Dachshunds and small terriers who can easily navigate narrow tunnels. Maggie ’ s first response when she detected the quarry (in this case a rat in a cage) was to race at it, barking, scratching, and digging. No
that practices together, attends classes together, and sometimes competes together. To find out about all the various dog sports available, the AKC is an excellent source.
sport could be more perfect for Dandie Dinmont Terriers. Once trained, the dogs are sent into man - made tunnels to hunt the quarry and to work it just the way Maggie did. Earthdog is a fascinating activ- ity which allows dogs to use their natural instincts. There are so many activities for dogs today that can keep them busy and engaged while they are con- stantly learning and developing skills. These activities are also challenging and interesting for their handlers and are a great way for the latter to bond with their canine partners. The two become a team
From my participation in Agility and Earthdog I have learned much about dogs that I never knew be- fore. I have also learned that we humans can participate in dog sports for years. There are people in their 80s still competing in Agility trials. Watch for future articles on other activities where we can have fun with our Dandies.
Mustard & Pepper
Winter 2022
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