Mustard & Pepper Fall 2022
Secretary’s Reports by Tisha Smith, Club Secretary
Club ’ s dissatisfaction with their failure to honor our Club ’ s basic yet important scheduling requests; (ii) That their failure to so honor the Club ’ s requests caused inex- cusable and significant scheduling disruptions to our Specialty events and unnecessary inconvenience to our Members; and (iii) although our Club is contractually obligated to hold its 2023 Specialty at Purina Farms, the parties need to come to an understanding about ensuring that the Club ’ s reasonable requests are honored moving forward. Otherwise, the DDTCA will go elsewhere. The Board authorized the Specialty Committee to prepare By - Laws Committee Updates . Ms. Wolfskill r epor ted that the By - Laws Committee had worked very hard, and deliberately worked through the By - Laws line by line and page by page. The Committee documented recom- mended changes and why it made these recommenda- tions. By the time the Committee completed its review, the Committee would generate a document that showed a) the current By - Laws language and provisions; b) The Committee ’ s recommended revisions; and c) Reasons for those recommendations. Next, the Committee would present its recommendations to the Board, and the Board would either accept or reject those recommendations and vote on either accepting or rejecting those recommenda- tions. Once the Board accepted, the Club would next submit its recommended By - Laws revisions to the AKC for review and approval. AKC might require changes. Once AKC approved the revisions (including AKC ’ s required edits/changes), the Club would vote to adopt the revised By - Laws. Membership Dues – Whether Rising Costs Merit an Increase: Ms. Hanowitz r epor ted that dues collec- tions have improved. The Board tabled this discussion for a future meeting. Specialty Judge Selection Process & Electronic Vot- ing Options for Nonprofit Corporations in New York State . Ms. Smith r ecommended that the Boar d table this discussion for a future meeting because this topic dove tails with many issues under review and considera- tion by the By - Laws Committee. One informs the other. The By - Laws Committee is already reviewing how other Clubs have incorporated electronic voting and balloting procedures that comply with applicable nonprofit corpo- ration laws, comply with AKC ’ s electronic voting/ balloting requirements and ensure fair elections. The (Continued on page 18) this correspondence. Unfinished Business
Abridged Minutes of the DDTCA Annual Board Meeting 2 June 2022
Secretary Trisha L. Smith advised that because DDTCA did not have an Annual Board Meeting in either 2020 or 2021 due to the CoViD pandemic, no Annual Meeting Minutes for those years were circulated. President ’ s Remarks : Pr esident Richar d Yoho wel- comed the Board, and was very glad that the Board could meet in person. He was excited about the upcom- ing Specialty and related events. Secretary ’ s Annual 2021 Report : E - mailed prior to the meeting. The 2021 Annual Secretary ’ s Report includes the 2021 Committee Reports submitted by DDTCA ’ s various Committee Chairs. Secretary Smith advised that this Report would be included during the Club ’ s Annual Membership Meeting, and made available to partici- pants. Treasurer ’ s Annual 2021 Report : Tr easur er Diane Hanowitz advised that the 2021 Annual Treasurer ’ s Re- port would be distributed to Members during the Annual Member meeting. Website: Ms. Hanowitz advised that ther e wer e no new developments to report. Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC): On behalf of SAC, Mr. Yoho circulated SAC ’ s May 2022 Report pri- or to the meeting. Mr. Yoho advised that SAC continued to work on the questionnaire survey that it plans to send to Dandie owners throughout the world (“ SAC Question- naire ”). SAC will use Survey Monkey to distribute the Questionnaire and collect data from responses. Specialty 2022: Vice Pr esident Sandr a Wolfskill and the Board discussed various logistics for 2022 Specialty events and awards. Due to a conflict in scheduling be- tween the Pat Trotter Breeding Seminar and the Annual Members Meeting on Saturday June 4th, 2022, the Club would hold the Pat Trotter Breeding Seminar and would reschedule the Annual Members Meeting for a different date and time. Ms. Wolfskill advised the Board that the Club ’ s Specialty Committee had on numerous occasions requested mid - morning ring times to accommodate our important Specialty events. The Superintendent did not honor our requests. Accordingly, Ms. Hanowitz and San- dra Petari Hickson asked the Board to authorize drafting a letter to the Show Chairs for the two (2) All - Breed Shows and the Superintendent that: (i) expressed the
Mustard & Pepper
Fall 2022
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