Mustard & Pepper Fall 2022
President’s Message
John Gillien Susan Green
by Richard (Dick) Yoho I hope you managed to participate in the Annual Meeting conducted via Zoom from my dining room. We would have conducted the meeting in Missouri; however, the superintendent mixed up our times by starting the judg- ing assignments at least three hours later than was asked for. Trisha Smith sent all members a notice of the date and time of the Zoom meeting. Sandra Wolfskill put up the port and we had our meeting July 16th. This Board is wonderful to work with. If you are new or a member who has remained away, please make yourself known to all of us. The last time we were all together for a Specialty event was 2019. We had the 2020 and 2021 Specialty shows in Orlando this past December. But it was not the same without interaction with other activities and especially not having as many of us come together. How great it was to see all who came to this year ’ s spe- cialty. It had been a long stretch for us to be apart and for a number of us even to be able to show with the onset of CoViD. Although the superintendent of the day of the Specialty tried to really mess up our schedule, we man- aged to get everything in except the meeting—but alas it was achieved. I want to give a loud shout out to Sandra Pretari Hickson and her committee for a terrific job for the 2022 Nation- al. There was a lot of fun had by those who had Dandies in the races. Thank you, Barbara Baese and her team, for this terrific event. If you have not seen the Dandies rac- ing, you must do so because it is fun and laughter is a great part of the event. I know you love this breed and the Dandies have brought us together. Some of these friendships have been what seems like forever. With that I come to a time that is one of the hardest for all of us, recognition of those lost to us in the past two years. 2021 Linda Bergh Barbara Boucher David Figueroa, husband of Laura Chapel Merlin Green
Dan Marks Fay Marks Jon Sill Ron Still Seymour Weiss Eric Zahm
Bylaws and Policies Committee to update and revise. This committee is made up of board and non - board members. I asked Sandra Wolfskill to be the chair of this committee. I knew as organized as she is that it would be a really good choice, and I was right on. Our committee has made even more headway than even she expected. You will be getting more information soon. Meet the Breeds has been ongoing with some places des- ignated by the AKC and others are with Scottish games. Our new chair is Barbara Baese and we know she would appreciate any and all help with activities that might be going on in your state or area in which you reside. The Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC) is always busy with projects to help our breed and the latest is the Health Survey. We hope that you participated in this sur- vey. You must realize that the previous surveys have brought us great information. There are other breeds looking at us because we have set the standard in excel- lence about our breed and plan on keeping it for years to come. We will be sharing information breeders world- wide. Thank you, Jody Moxham, for your great leader- ship and a great team. Annual Awards have been announced and pictures of the trophies have been sent to each recipient. Windsedge Award The recipient is someone who has kept themselves busy even during CoViD like most of us have. They have kept Dandies in the forefront of their life and done things that will make a difference for their Dandies and maybe ours. However, the reality comes to all with hard work to make things happen, as she did with National Specialties for 2020 and 2021, being Editor of M & P , showing her dogs even to Best in Shows. This award is given to San- dra Pretari Hickson on the Specialty weekend when we were together and the trophy was present. Sportsmanship Award This person has been involved with Dandies for many years of their life and are a longtime member of the DDTCA. Having not only had multiple champions and (Continued on page 10)
Eleanor Hession Carleton Musson Lois Purdy Will Watson 2022 Ed Bowers Frances Brewer, who passed just a few weeks before her 107th birthday Dwayne Early
Mustard & Pepper
Fall 2022
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