Mustard & Pepper Fall 2022

M & P Mustard & Pepper

The Newsletter of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America, Inc.

Issue #226, Fall 2022

Mustard & Pepper is published by the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced for other use without the express permis- sion of the DDTCA. Visit our website About the cover image: Englishman Ar thur War dle was a r enowned self - taught animal painter during the late 19th century and early 20th century. His keen sense of observation matched his artistic skills, and he became proficient in rendering animal anatomy. He enjoyed great commercial success when, about 1910, Will's Cigarettes commissioned him to paint a series of dog portraits that were reproduced on small cards as premiums in cigarette packages. These cigarette cards, and the ones he subsequently produced for John Play- er & Sons, have been fervently collected by dog lovers throughout this century. Excerpted from articles written by Susan Brown and appearing in the AKC Gazette, September 1997 & De- cember 1998. Text on the back of the card reads as follows: D ANDIE D INMONT T ERRIER . The breed mentioned by Sir Wal- ter Scott in Guy Mannering. Head strong and large with well-domed forehead, powerful jaws and level mouth. Eyes widely set, full, round and dark hazel in colour. Ears set on low, hanging close to head and fringed with hair. Neck mus- cular. Body long and flexible with well-sprung ribs, deep chest and arched loin. Forelegs short, strong and set wide. Hind legs longer than forelegs and with smaller feet. Tail around 9 inches long. Coat about 2 inches long and on body a mixture of hard and soft hair. Head covered with soft, silky hair. Colour: pepper (from bluish-black to silver-grey); mustard (from reddish-brown to pale fawn). (No.41)

Mustard & Pepper


OFFICERS: President: Richard Yoho 407 - 814 - 9989

From the Editor I have been thinking about a way to say this recently and couldn ’ t come up with a way that didn ’ t sound bitter and I am most definitely not bitter. Dog shows can be fun, rewarding, full of support and some- times even magical. Other times they can be the exact opposite, and even worse. I have heard and read some very nasty things about myself lately, things I didn ’ t know were true or even possible. Some so outrageous they border on delusional and I can ’ t help but wonder if the persons mak- ing such statements are even sane. Thank- fully I have a thick skin and am not delu- sional nor vengeful. This article, written a few years back, sums up “ stealing joy ” better than I could at this point. It ’ s written by an obedience person about obedience but conformation or any other dog sport can be substituted. Think about what you say before you say it. Don ’ t steal other people ’ s joy, but moreover think about how you yourself will be viewed and what pain you might be causing.

1762 Sweetwater W Circle Apopka, FL 32712 - 2486

We recently had a young junior commit suicide because he was bullied so badly at shows. I ’ m an adult. I have a thick skin. I don ’ t care. This young man wasn ’ t and didn ’ t. Please, with the Holidays ap- proaching, please try and be a little kinder to your fellow exhibitor. Please, try all year, every year. Don ’ t You Dare Steal My Joy by Connie Cleveland On the occasion of my tenth anniversary, my husband asked me how I wanted to celebrate. I asked that we take a very dear friend, my adopted grandmother and one of the greatest of all the great southern ladies, out to dinner with us. At dinner, my husband, Brian, presented me with a diamond ring. It was gorgeous and I was speechless, but even as I thanked him, I worried about the expense and extravagance of such a gift. As if he knew that the next line belonged to my grandmother, my husband excused him- self from the table.

Vice - President: Sandra J. Wolfskill 440 - 285 - 0761 440 - 382 - 5550

13430 Bass Lake Rd Chardon, OH 44024

Secretary: Trisha L. Smith 917 - 595 - 0662 929 3rd Ave. NE

Waseca, MN 56093

Treasurer: Diane Hanowitz 216 - 291 - 4380 4380 Acacia Dr

South Euclid, OH 44121

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Karen S. Dorn 40535 Carter Ln Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 Earl Hunt III 8561 Baywood Vista Dr Orlando, FL 32810

(Continued on page 4)

Cathy LoCascio 101 Lincoln Blvd

Long Beach, NY 11561

ADVERTISING RATES FULL PAGE ……………...….$40.00 HALF PAGE …………...…...$30.00 QUARTER PAGE …..……..$25.00 NEW TITLE (½ page) …...$20.00 NEW TITLE (full page)...$25.00 Make payments to: The Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America (or DDTCA).




Sheridan Dulaney 1710 Stagecoach Rd. Sewanee, TN 37375

USA ………………………..…$45.00 CANADA (US $)….….....$50.00 OVERSEAS (US $)…......$60.00 Contact Treasurer Diane Han- owitz at for payment arrangement.

Trista Acker 11215 McBride Rd Marysville, OH 43040


Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

DDTCA Committee Chairs

Breeder Referral : Janette Shorrock ……………………………...…..…...…..(734) 206 - 4563 3453 Fairwood, Lambertville, MI 48144 Education: Dr. David Bernander ………………………….....……....(615) 791 - 9366 1410 Columbia Avenue, Franklin, TN 37064 Ethics: Linda Gagnon …………..……………………….....………..(978) 544 - 8933 PO Box 981, Wendell, MA 01379 - 0981 Gazette Columnist : Kay Simpson …………………………………….….......…...(407) 889 - 0282 6796 Nightwind Circle, Orlando, FL 32818 Genetics & Health D'Arcy Downs - Vollbracht …………………....………...(928) 542 - 9020 5373 US Hwy 68, Ste D277, Golden Valley, AZ 86413 Handbook: Open Historian: Kevin Burford ………………………………………..……….(319) 594 - 6083 528 E College St., Iowa City, IA 52240 kevin - Bill Gorodner ………………………………………………….(757) 274 - 4524 465 S Poes Rd, Amissville, VA 20106 Judges' Education: Betty - Anne Stenmark ………………………..…….…….( 650) 315 - 5270 10282 Quail Creek Rd., Grass Valley, CA 95949 Legislative Liaison: Katherine Jacobson ………….…………..…….....……...(605) 716 - 9253 Mailing Labels: Tim Schafer …………………………..……….…....…………(630) 261 - 0212 1015 East Wilson Ave., Lombard, Il 60148 Meet the Breeds Coordinator: Barbara Baese …………………………………......…........(253) 858 - 7080 Meet the Breed Fulfillment: Diane Hanowitz ……………………...………..….......…..(216) 291 - 4380 Sherri Foxman ………………………...…………....….……(216) 469 - 0357 Membership: Helen Burford ……………………………….……...………..(319) 594 - 3715 528 E College St., Iowa City, IA 52240 Mustard & Pepper : Sandra Pretari Hickson, Editor ……….……….………(650) 346 - 9912 Patricia Blair, Layout & Publishing. ……..….…......(281) 257 - 5544 PO Box 170, Piedmont, SD 57769 Caroline Blair, Graphic Design Chas Blair, Distribution Carole Driscoll, Proofreading & Editing Properties: Diane Hanowitz ………………………...…….…….....…..(216) 291 - 4380 Public Education: Kay Simpson ……………………………………………..…...(407) 889 - 0282 Social Media: Sheridan Dulaney …………………………….....……….…( 615) 210 - 1372 Statistician: Janice Judge …………………………………...…..……...…( 360) - 366 - 3513 Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC): Jody Moxham ………………………………………………….(818) 887 - 9742 Sunshine: Mary Menozi ………………………………..……..…...……(423) 559 - 8778 584 Sample Chapal Road SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 Trophy Coordinators: Regional Trophies: Gary Myers ………………………………………..….…...….(760) 728 - 3345 33264 Kabian Court Temecula, CA 92592 Annual Trophies: Joy Bernander …………………………...………..………...(615) 791 - 9366 1410 Columbia Ave, Franklin, TN 37064 Ways and Means: Richard Yoho ……………………….……………...…….……(407) 814 - 9989 Website: Diane Hanowitz ……………………...………..….......…..(216) 291 - 4380 REGIONAL CHAIRS: Eastern: Norma Ryan ……………..……………..……….(410) 838 - 7401 1115 Prospect Mill Road, Bel Air, MD 21015 Southern: Joy Bernander ………...………..……..……(615) 791 - 9366 Lakes: Jennifer Hecker ……………….……….……..….(616) 299 - 5552 201 Montcalm Avenue, Lowell, MI 49331 Mid - American: Katherine Jacobson ………..……..(605) 716 - 9253 PO Box 170, Piedmont, SD. 57769 - 0170 Western : B J Pumfrey... ………….…….…….…..……..(604) 946 - 7754 4328 Arthur Dr, Delta, BC V4K2W8 Canada SPECIALTY 2022 CHAIRMAN: Sandra Pretari Hickson ………...……….…..……………(650) 346 - 9912

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

Table of Contents

From the Editor: Don ’ t You Dare Steal My Joy ............ 1 DDTCA Officers & Board of Directors .......................... 1 DDTCA Committee Chairs ............................................. 2 Book Review: The Dandie Dinmont Terrier—True Story of Scotland ’ s Forgotten Breed by Macbeth & Keevil ..... 7 Letter of Thanks from Mike Macbeth ............................. 7 President ’ s Message ........................................................ 9 Membership Longevity Awards .................................... 13 In Memorium: Frances Brewer ..................................... 14 Secretary ’ s Report ......................................................... 15 Legislative Report ......................................................... 21 AKC Delegate Report ................................................... 23 From the Archives: Origins of the DDTCA .................. 24 Meet the Breed Washington Highland Games .............. 28 AKC Gazette Column November 2022 ........................ 30 Therapy Dog: Make the Connection ............................. 33 Membership Report ....................................................... 33 Cindy the Working Dandie ........................................... 35 BLINX .......................................................................... 36 Member Updates ........................................................... 37 The Whelping Box ........................................................ 37 SAC: Dandie Dinmont Terriers Are a Healthy Breed ... 40 SAC: National Club Polo Shirts .................................... 41 CHIC List ...................................................................... 42

OFA/CHIC Summary Report for Eyes ......................... 43 CHIC Dandie Dinmont DNA Program ........................ 44 Statistics ........................................................................ 45 Advertising & Subscribing Mustard &Pepper .............. 46 Dandie of the Year Standings ....................................... 47 New Titles .................................................................... 48 DDTCA Code of Ethics ................................................ 50 The Dandie Dinmont Store ........................................... 51 Advertising CH King ’ s Mtn. Kitty Kandlestick ................................. 5 The Dandie Dinmont Terrier—True Story of Scotland ’ s Forgotten Breed by Mike Macbeth & Paul Keevil ......... 6 Ballantynes of Walkerburn Old Ginger .......................... 8 Windsedge Dandies ...................................................... 12 CH Derrydown Where ’ s Waldo ................................... 16 CH Derrydown Sarah Lee CGC ................................... 17 CH Dreamboat Twinkle Little Star .............................. 20 CH Danchester ’ s All About Me ................................... 22 GCH CH Bonnyrigg Lady Beatrix Potter ..................... 29 Memorial: SGCH Clossongrey Frankystein ................. 32 For Sale: Dandie Dinmont Terrier Pewter .................... 34 GCHB Pennywise Hearthrob ....................................... 38 CH Von Maser ’ s Madeleine of the Heart ..................... 39

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

done it? ” said to the first time dog owner setting out to do both. When FC AFC OTCH Law Abiding Ezra had both his field championships and 65 OTCH points including all the necessary first places, someone had the guts to come up to me, his owner, trainer and handler and say, “ No dog will ever be a field champion and an obedience champion. ” My jaw drops when I think about it. Isn ’ t it unfortunate that I remember this attempt at stealing my joy much more than I remember all the cards and letters and congratulations I received when those last 35 points were earned? If you are willing to destroy someone ’ s dream, perhaps you don ’ t realize that it is the JOY of pursuing the dream that keeps the dreamer motivated, not just reaching the accomplishment. My husband and I travel and compete together. I remem- ber an event, early in our relationship when I watched his Doberman fail articles. “ Darnn it, ” I said, as he came out of the ring, “ she didn ’ t even try to find the right one! ” “ Oh, ” he replied, “ but, weren ’ t her heeling and signals wonderful? ” Unknowingly, I had almost stolen his joy. He was cele- brating the improvement on the exercise that had been giving him trouble, and I was focused on the failure. Since that experience, Brian and I have learned that the best response to a questionable performance is, “ What did you think? ” That way, if the handler is excited about some aspect of the performance, you can share that ex- citement. If the handler is disappointed in another aspect, you can share the disappointment. You are safely re- moved from being a joy stealer. I hope you have a lot of dreams and goals for your dogs in the coming year. Undoubtedly there will be moments of disappointment as you venture through the landmines of injury, failures and other setbacks. Remember that the joy of the journey is worth the difficulties along the way and don ’ t let anyone steal that joy. Guard it well and at he end of the road you can own it and revel in it with all the other memories of the trip. Sandra Pretari Hickson

(Continued from page 1)

He was barely out of sight when she reached across the table and grabbed me by the shoulder, “ I know what you ’ re thinking, I know you think he couldn ’ t afford it and it ’ s too extravagant. I don ’ t care if he had to put a second mortgage on the house to buy it, don ’ t you steal his joy! It ’ s beautiful. Accept it as the token of his love that it is and say nothing about how he shouldn ’ t have bought it for you. ” Then she repeated, “ Don ’ t you dare steal his joy! ” That was the end of the conversation. She sat back in her seat, smiled at my returning husband, and we had a love- ly dinner. I took her advice and put my reservations out of my mind. The ring has never come off my finger, but most importantly, I learned a wonderfully important les- son, never to steal another man ’ s joy. Are you a joy stealer? “ You know if my dog hadn ’ t gone down on the sit, I would have won the class ”, said, unfeelingly, to the win- ner. “ I sure didn ’ t think your dog worked that high a score. ” “ I can ’ t believe you placed, I thought Jane Oneup and her dog would beat you. ” “ I thought I had that class won! My dog had a great per- formance, ” said to the winner. “ Isn ’ t that judge an idiot? I can ’ t believe the dogs he put up! ” said to the winner. “ Boy, aren ’ t you glad Mrs Winallthetime wasn ’ t here today or you might not have won. ” “ You passed that Master test because the water blind was so easy. ” “ That was the stupidest set of water marks I ’ ve ever seen. No trial should end that easily, ” said to the winner. Do you discourage or encourage fellow competitors? Do you tell them their goals are too lofty and their dreams too big? Are you trying to be helpful or trying to keep them from accomplishing something that you never had the ability or perseverance to do yourself? It is equally as harmful to steal joy by destroying the dream. “ No Basset Hounds get UD ’ s, ” said to the owner of the Bassett in Utility class. “ I ’ ve never seen a Rottweiler that could do fronts and finishes ”, said to the owner of the Rottweiler practicing fronts and finishes. “ Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a UD and a Master Hunter? Do you know how few people have ever

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

King's Mtn. Kitty Kandlestick

(GCHCH King's Mtn. Neville Longbottom x CH King's Mtn. Blonde Bombshell)

Bred by King's Mtn. Dandies Bettty-Anne Stenamark, Sandra Pretari Hickson &BJ Pumphrey Owned by Karla Bevel &Sandra Pretari Hickson

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

Book Review

2022, awarded an Honorary Membership to the DDTC and the DDTCA. Professionally, Mike is an award - winning journalist and author of Silver Threads Among the Gold and Quiet Achiever . Mike and her husband Clancy Goodfellow, and their Dandies live in Umbridge Hills, Ontario, Canada. Paul Keevil acquired his first Dandie Dinmont in the mid 1980s and went on to become a successful exhibitor, breeder and judge. By profession he has been a canine

by Dick Yoho

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier – The True Story of Scotland ’ s Forgotten Breed by Mike Macbeth and Paul Keevil The recently published book, The Dandie Dinmont Ter- rier – The True Story of Scotland ’ s Forgotten Breed, is a momentous achievement which presents a time line of Dandie events in the breed ’ s history. Not the typical

book of the standard, etc., this tells us where our breed has been and is now. It is a time line, a sequential artistic profile of photography and paintings and com- mentary that show us people associated with the breed and dogs of record. It is a profound document of the Dandie Din- mont Terrier, a new historical picture and an amended history of our breed.

art dealer even longer. He has also been a freelance writer and photographer, hav- ing a regular art column in publications like the Kennel Gazette , Our Dogs and Dogs Today . As a photographer, he was The Kennel Club official photographer at Discover Dogs in London for five years and has worked with many canine chari- ties and organizations, having his photos

and articles published worldwide. He has been a constant campaigner for the Dandie Dinmont through his weekly breed notes to Our Dog as well as other British vulnera- ble breeds and is a founding member of the Kennel Club ’ s Vulnerable Native Breed Committee. Paul and his wife Sheila and their family of Dandies live in rural Surrey, England. 

The authors ’ outstanding bios stand alone.

Mike Macbeth is a founder and President of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of Canada and a life member of the Canadian Kennel Club. As an all - breed judge, she has adjudicated in over 30 countries and has been the judge at Crufts in 2022. In 2013, she was presented with a lifetime Achievement award by the CPHA, and in

Madame Editor: May I express, via the pages of Mustard & Pepper , my sincere appreciation to the executive and the members of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America for the extraordinary honor bestowed upon myself, Paul Keevil and Professor Alexander Stoddart during the DD - 2022 event in Scotland in July. I also speak on their behalf. Receiving the honorary membership from President Richard Yoho was not only an immense surprise, it left me dumfounded. I am certain any mumblings of gratitude at the time were not only inadequate but inarticulate, as the recognition was so unexpected. I can only presume this tribute was due to our continuing efforts to promote the breed, such as successfully re- questing Richard, 10th Duke of Buccleuch, (Chief of the Scott Clan) to permit the Dandie to adopt Sir Walter Scott ’ s private tartan; our work to renovate Old Ginger ’ s kennel at The Haining, (now the Dandie Dinmont Dis- covery Centre); commissioning Professor ’ s Stoddart ’ s Old Ginger statue, and the three events we organized (2015, 2017, 2022) to bring the international Dandie community together in order to further unite and motivate us all. Mr. Yoho presented each of us with a stunning framed proclamation, created by his own artistic hand. It now hangs on my wall, making me feel both unworthy, yet with an embarrassed sense of pride. What I do in the ser- vice of the breed, I do out of passion and infinite love of the Dandie, as do so many more deserving others. Again, along with my colleagues, I thank the DDTCA for such a memorable tribute.

With eternal gratitude, Mike Macbeth

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier The True Story of Scotland’s Forgotten Breed By Mike Macbeth and Paul Keevil

An authoritative and meticulously researched hardcover book on the history, development, social influence, and legacy of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier was officially launched on Thursday July 21st at DD - 2022 in Scotland. All 270 full colour pages contain astonishing new information and remarkable images, and corrects many of the myths about the Dandie that have been perpetuated over the years. Examples of these new discoveries include the possible origins of the Dandie Dinmont; the revelation

that Sir Walter Scott was one of the most important early breeders; the only image of a dog actually bred by him; and compelling evidence that Greyfriar ’ s Bobby was not a Skye Terrier but a purebred Dandie Dinmont. This disclosure caused a sensation in Britain, with every major newspaper making it a front - page story and quoting the information contained in the book. Stunningly designed, the book is a result of a journey of exploration for both authors (one in the UK, the other in Canada). The two contributors ’ diverse skills and complementary expertise combined seamlessly with their passion for Dandie history. Paul Keevil is a professional art dealer with expertise in early Dandie paintings. Mike Macbeth is an award - winning investigative journalist, a well - known breeder and an international judge. Both were recently awarded honorary membership in the DDTCA. During the two major Dandie events in Scotland that they organized in 2015 and 2107, new information kept luring them down fresh paths of discovery until a revised history of the breed emerged. Every fact has gone back as far as possible to the source material and each image selected for its importance, beauty, and relevance to the text. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier—The True Story of Scotland ’ s Forgotten Breed, is priced at $94.95, and available at - the - dandie - dinmont - terrier. For further information contact Mike Macbeth at

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

President’s Message

John Gillien Susan Green

by Richard (Dick) Yoho I hope you managed to participate in the Annual Meeting conducted via Zoom from my dining room. We would have conducted the meeting in Missouri; however, the superintendent mixed up our times by starting the judg- ing assignments at least three hours later than was asked for. Trisha Smith sent all members a notice of the date and time of the Zoom meeting. Sandra Wolfskill put up the port and we had our meeting July 16th. This Board is wonderful to work with. If you are new or a member who has remained away, please make yourself known to all of us. The last time we were all together for a Specialty event was 2019. We had the 2020 and 2021 Specialty shows in Orlando this past December. But it was not the same without interaction with other activities and especially not having as many of us come together. How great it was to see all who came to this year ’ s spe- cialty. It had been a long stretch for us to be apart and for a number of us even to be able to show with the onset of CoViD. Although the superintendent of the day of the Specialty tried to really mess up our schedule, we man- aged to get everything in except the meeting—but alas it was achieved. I want to give a loud shout out to Sandra Pretari Hickson and her committee for a terrific job for the 2022 Nation- al. There was a lot of fun had by those who had Dandies in the races. Thank you, Barbara Baese and her team, for this terrific event. If you have not seen the Dandies rac- ing, you must do so because it is fun and laughter is a great part of the event. I know you love this breed and the Dandies have brought us together. Some of these friendships have been what seems like forever. With that I come to a time that is one of the hardest for all of us, recognition of those lost to us in the past two years. 2021 Linda Bergh Barbara Boucher David Figueroa, husband of Laura Chapel Merlin Green

Dan Marks Fay Marks Jon Sill Ron Still Seymour Weiss Eric Zahm

Bylaws and Policies Committee to update and revise. This committee is made up of board and non - board members. I asked Sandra Wolfskill to be the chair of this committee. I knew as organized as she is that it would be a really good choice, and I was right on. Our committee has made even more headway than even she expected. You will be getting more information soon. Meet the Breeds has been ongoing with some places des- ignated by the AKC and others are with Scottish games. Our new chair is Barbara Baese and we know she would appreciate any and all help with activities that might be going on in your state or area in which you reside. The Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC) is always busy with projects to help our breed and the latest is the Health Survey. We hope that you participated in this sur- vey. You must realize that the previous surveys have brought us great information. There are other breeds looking at us because we have set the standard in excel- lence about our breed and plan on keeping it for years to come. We will be sharing information breeders world- wide. Thank you, Jody Moxham, for your great leader- ship and a great team. Annual Awards have been announced and pictures of the trophies have been sent to each recipient. Windsedge Award The recipient is someone who has kept themselves busy even during CoViD like most of us have. They have kept Dandies in the forefront of their life and done things that will make a difference for their Dandies and maybe ours. However, the reality comes to all with hard work to make things happen, as she did with National Specialties for 2020 and 2021, being Editor of M & P , showing her dogs even to Best in Shows. This award is given to San- dra Pretari Hickson on the Specialty weekend when we were together and the trophy was present. Sportsmanship Award This person has been involved with Dandies for many years of their life and are a longtime member of the DDTCA. Having not only had multiple champions and (Continued on page 10)

Eleanor Hession Carleton Musson Lois Purdy Will Watson 2022 Ed Bowers Frances Brewer, who passed just a few weeks before her 107th birthday Dwayne Early

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

Minna Repo, Candi Fromme & Dick Yoho at Old Ginger 2022

(Continued from page 9)

Best in Shows in the dog world but with horses as well. During this time of CoViD this person was someone that did show Dandies a number of times, did breeding (which was successful) and took time to mentor a new person to the breed. She has been on the DDTCA Board and is the contributor writer for the AKC Gazette , Anita K. Simpson . Those who finished dogs in Bred - by - Exhibitor were awarded during our dinner and auction time in Eureka, Missouri. By the time you read this, some of us will have attended the Old Ginger 2022 250th Anniversary Event in Sel-

kirk, Scotland. Paul Keevil and Mike Macbeth worked very hard to bring many from all over the world to celebrate our Dandies and their beginnings. Alexander Stoddart, who was the Scottish sculptor to the late Queen Elizabeth II, was there to guide us through the Dandies in art. We all appreciate the efforts to educate us as to where our Dandies came from and it is this kind of event that can help rocket our be-

loved breed to go on for centuries. At the Board meeting in Eureka, Missouri, we passed a motion to present Mike Macbeth, Paul Keevil and Alexander Stoddart with Honorary Memberships in the DDTCA. This was an ac- tion to recognize all three of them for their worldwide effort and work to bring the Dandie Dinmont owners and lovers of this breed to-

gether. This event was the third and final event. This year every officer of the DDTCA and several Board members and members of our club were in attendance. It was my distinct pleasure and honor as President to make the proclamation of the Honorary Membership, which reads as follows:. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America would like to recognize all the work that you have done to help keep our Dandie Dinmont Terriers in the forefront worldwide. You collectively have brought all of us together here again at this time. You have set a standard that is unfor-

DDTCA President Richard (Dick) Yoho & Alexander Stoddart

(Continued on page 11)

Old Ginger 2022 Reunion guests at Bowhill House, magnificent country home of the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

(Continued from page 10)

gettable. This make us all hope your efforts will be a pivotal point for keeping this breed, we so love, alive. Now therefore: I, Richard Yoho, President of the Dandie Dinmont Club of America, the Board of Governors and membership (including officers and club members here to- day) do bestow upon Mike Macbeth, Paul Keevil and Alexander (Sandy) Stoddart, on this day, July 23, 2022, an Honorary Member- ship in the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America. The reaction from Mike Macbeth Dear Mr. President and Madame Secretary:

Richard Yoho presenting the Proclamation to Mike Macbeth

Stoddart was a most generous gesture, so I am in grand company. Please do take care and good luck to you, the board, and the members of the DDTCA in the work you are doing to help preserve our breed for another 200 years. Paul Keevil If you do not know as of yet, you will know now! Mike

Would you kindly forward and express to the executive of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America my sin- cerest gratitude for bestowing upon me, an Honorary Membership in the DDTCA. To be quite honest, I was gob smacked! I may be a pro- fessional writer, but there is no better word to describe the range of emotions I felt when the beautiful, artfully

Macbeth did over a year ’ s research about Grayfriars Bobby and we all kept a secret that Paul Keevil asked us to keep until the release to the news media. Grayfriars Bobby is a Dandie Dinmont Terrier! This has been made official. I had the privilege of having a meet- ing with Paul Eardley (Chairman of the DDTC), Meriel Taylor (Club Secretary of the DDTC), Dr. Aman- da Clarkson, BVMS, (club member of the DDTC and veterinarian) and Margaret Russell. There were con- cerns about the health survey that the DDTCA ’ s Strategic Advisory Committee is pursuing. I answered their concerns and questions and at the end of the meeting they felt much better about what is being done and the fact that we are able to do these surveys and give the results to all Dandie owners around the world. Thank you so much for being a part of the Annual meeting. Take care and stay healthy. 

crafted framed memento was pre- sented. I felt unworthy, humbled and undeserving. Yet I was also con- sumed with shock, pride and a bit of embarrassment. Many others could have, should have stood in my shoes that Saturday at The Haining, as all of us have contributed to the breed in our own special way. Nevertheless, you and your commit- tee chose to grant me this treasured honor. I thank you all, from the bot- tom of my heart. I will cherish that unforgettable moment for the rest of my life. Thank you once again, Sincerely, Mike Macbeth The reaction from Paul Keevil Do please thank your Board for ac- knowledging the work we have done to promote the breed with the honor- ary membership to the club. I am very much aware that your Board does not just hand this out to anyone, it has to be earned and also including Sandy

Grayfriars Bobby Fountain in Edinburgh, Scotland. The memorial was made by William Brodie and was unveiled in 1873. It was sited at the southern end of George IV Bridge, just past its junction Chambers Street and close to the junction with Candlemaker Row, near the Greyfriars Kirkyard and the National Museum of Scotland.

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

DDTCA Membership Longevity Award




45 Years of Membership Karen & Larry Dorn Henry Kauffman Lee Palmer Dawn F. Richardson 35 Years of Membership Jody Moxham Dan Marks 25 Years of Membership Karen & Anthony Annoni Sharon & Bill Ellis Joan Rezzola Jan Jaffe 20 Years of Membership Graciela Catasus Cathy & Chris LoCascio 15 Years of Membership Linda G. Angelis Carol & Gerard Driscoll Linda & Michael Hoyt 10 Years of Membership Heather & Nathan Witt Heather Van Oene 30 Years of Membership Alfred Matthews

50 Years of Membership Gail Isner

45 Years of Membership Seymour Grufferman

45 Years of Membership Dennis S. Demay

35 Years of Membership Adele Graham

Steve Houser Norma Ryan Anita K. Simpson

30 Years of Membership Marlene Williams

Leah & Jim Shelton Betty - Anne Stenmark Dick Yoho

25 Years of Membership Diann & Doug Witt Barbara Wright 20 Years of Membership Sandra Pretari Hickson Sharon & Peter Andrus Eileen & Lloyd Becker 15 Years of Membership Joy & David Bernander Janice McMinn Jean Patten Jamie & Tim Schafer 10 Years of Membership Peggy & Michael Bentley Thomas Ezell Robert Hutton Tylan Kulsubsatit Chris & Donald Manley Barbara Marks Patricia Moyers Kim O ’ Neill James Scamahorne Jr. Vicki Stewart

35 Years of Membership Patty & Ron Inman Evelyn & Charles Scott

30 Years of Membership Marlene Williams

25 Years of Membership Barbara Yerger

20 Years of Membership Barbara & Everett Landen

15 Years of Membership Sheridan & Rick Dulaney Emma Greenway James B. Hebel Mary Menozi 10 Years of Membership Caroline Blair Scott Beaver Ed Bowers Larry Chaitovitz Earl Hunt

Glenna Lane Joella Maser Nancy Michaleski Simone Politi Miroslava Rusova

Nancy Steele Mary Wilson

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Fall 2022

Obituary Frances Eugenia Brewer September 19, 1915 —July 26, 2022

Frances Eugenia Brewer passed away peacefully on July 26, 2022, at the age of 106. She was a long - time Colorado Springs business owner and friend to many. Frances was born on September 19, 1915, in Harrisonville, Missouri, to Harry and Ilona Fowler. She grew up there and graduated from Harrisonville High School in 1933. She recalled how as a youngster she witnessed Prohibition and survived the Great Depression. She married Lloyd Marcus Brewer on March 14, 1937, in the same house in which she was born. After her marriage, she traveled throughout the country with her husband, a trumpet player in a band. She loved the travel, meeting new people, and her many unique experiences throughout the Big Band Era and WWII. They eventually settled in Colorado Springs in 1943, where her husband played at the Broadmoor.

Dogs were her life and her passion. She owned and operated the Alpine Animal Inn, a commercial boarding kennel, for over 50 years. She worked hard to build her business and continually ensure the welfare of her charges. Most of all, she delighted in chatting with the dog owners that frequented her kennel many of which became life - long friends. Her own dogs were Dandie Dinmont Terriers, a relatively rare breed. She ended up keeping every puppy from her first litter …. just couldn ’ t part with them. Three of them eventually became successful show dogs. That started her life - long love of showing. Throughout her career she had several dogs that were winners. She loved showing them all over the country including the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Her greatest pride was a “ Best in Show ” award in 2007 by her dog Jamey. Frances was 92 at the time. She often said, “ My dogs keep me active, which is probably why I keep going. ” Frances loved people. In fact, “ She never met a stranger. ” She would strike up a conversation with anyone eventually, of course, getting around to talking about dogs. She made friends everywhere she went. We will all miss her. Memorial contributions may be made to the Pikes Peak Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region, Attn: Philanthropy, 610 Abbot Lane, Colorado Springs, CO 80905, or at donate/

Her friends wish to extend their gratitude to the caring staff at the Bridge of Colorado Springs.

A Celebration of Life will be held in Colorado Springs later this year.

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

Secretary’s Reports by Tisha Smith, Club Secretary

Club ’ s dissatisfaction with their failure to honor our Club ’ s basic yet important scheduling requests; (ii) That their failure to so honor the Club ’ s requests caused inex- cusable and significant scheduling disruptions to our Specialty events and unnecessary inconvenience to our Members; and (iii) although our Club is contractually obligated to hold its 2023 Specialty at Purina Farms, the parties need to come to an understanding about ensuring that the Club ’ s reasonable requests are honored moving forward. Otherwise, the DDTCA will go elsewhere. The Board authorized the Specialty Committee to prepare By - Laws Committee Updates . Ms. Wolfskill r epor ted that the By - Laws Committee had worked very hard, and deliberately worked through the By - Laws line by line and page by page. The Committee documented recom- mended changes and why it made these recommenda- tions. By the time the Committee completed its review, the Committee would generate a document that showed a) the current By - Laws language and provisions; b) The Committee ’ s recommended revisions; and c) Reasons for those recommendations. Next, the Committee would present its recommendations to the Board, and the Board would either accept or reject those recommendations and vote on either accepting or rejecting those recommenda- tions. Once the Board accepted, the Club would next submit its recommended By - Laws revisions to the AKC for review and approval. AKC might require changes. Once AKC approved the revisions (including AKC ’ s required edits/changes), the Club would vote to adopt the revised By - Laws. Membership Dues – Whether Rising Costs Merit an Increase: Ms. Hanowitz r epor ted that dues collec- tions have improved. The Board tabled this discussion for a future meeting. Specialty Judge Selection Process & Electronic Vot- ing Options for Nonprofit Corporations in New York State . Ms. Smith r ecommended that the Boar d table this discussion for a future meeting because this topic dove tails with many issues under review and considera- tion by the By - Laws Committee. One informs the other. The By - Laws Committee is already reviewing how other Clubs have incorporated electronic voting and balloting procedures that comply with applicable nonprofit corpo- ration laws, comply with AKC ’ s electronic voting/ balloting requirements and ensure fair elections. The (Continued on page 18) this correspondence. Unfinished Business

Abridged Minutes of the DDTCA Annual Board Meeting 2 June 2022

Secretary Trisha L. Smith advised that because DDTCA did not have an Annual Board Meeting in either 2020 or 2021 due to the CoViD pandemic, no Annual Meeting Minutes for those years were circulated. President ’ s Remarks : Pr esident Richar d Yoho wel- comed the Board, and was very glad that the Board could meet in person. He was excited about the upcom- ing Specialty and related events. Secretary ’ s Annual 2021 Report : E - mailed prior to the meeting. The 2021 Annual Secretary ’ s Report includes the 2021 Committee Reports submitted by DDTCA ’ s various Committee Chairs. Secretary Smith advised that this Report would be included during the Club ’ s Annual Membership Meeting, and made available to partici- pants. Treasurer ’ s Annual 2021 Report : Tr easur er Diane Hanowitz advised that the 2021 Annual Treasurer ’ s Re- port would be distributed to Members during the Annual Member meeting. Website: Ms. Hanowitz advised that ther e wer e no new developments to report. Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC): On behalf of SAC, Mr. Yoho circulated SAC ’ s May 2022 Report pri- or to the meeting. Mr. Yoho advised that SAC continued to work on the questionnaire survey that it plans to send to Dandie owners throughout the world (“ SAC Question- naire ”). SAC will use Survey Monkey to distribute the Questionnaire and collect data from responses. Specialty 2022: Vice Pr esident Sandr a Wolfskill and the Board discussed various logistics for 2022 Specialty events and awards. Due to a conflict in scheduling be- tween the Pat Trotter Breeding Seminar and the Annual Members Meeting on Saturday June 4th, 2022, the Club would hold the Pat Trotter Breeding Seminar and would reschedule the Annual Members Meeting for a different date and time. Ms. Wolfskill advised the Board that the Club ’ s Specialty Committee had on numerous occasions requested mid - morning ring times to accommodate our important Specialty events. The Superintendent did not honor our requests. Accordingly, Ms. Hanowitz and San- dra Petari Hickson asked the Board to authorize drafting a letter to the Show Chairs for the two (2) All - Breed Shows and the Superintendent that: (i) expressed the

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

New Champion

CH Derrydown Where ’ s Waldo

Waldo is the Grandson of GGCH Derrydown Can Webe Frank

Owned by Gary Myers Bred by Karen & Larry Dorn Shown by Larry Dorn Loved by all Thank you judge Darryl Vice

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

Hazel CH Derrydown Sarah Lee CGC CH Clossongrey Wimbleweather x CH Derrydown Billy Holiday

At 18 months old, Hazel obtained her championship at the South Bay KC show, the same show where she started her career a year ago. Thank you Judge Darryl Vice for awarding Hazel

the final point she needed to finish. Owned & shown by Arlette Hamilton Bred & co - owned by Karen & Larry Dorn

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

Preservation Bank furthered DDTCA ’ s essential com- mitment to preserving, protecting and promoting Dandie Dinmont Terriers. The Board agreed that evaluating proper protocols and procedures for implementing a workable, ethical reproduction bank. The Board decided to continue researching, exploring, and discussing the AKC Preservation Bank ’ s opportunities for our Club. Specifically, the Board wants to discuss further (a) How DDTCA and its breeder members maintain authority for breeding decisions; (b) How to best consider all possible legal, economic, administrative and organizational fac- tors; (c) How to be properly sensitive to potential politi- cal realities; and (d) How the Club should consider alter- natives, and weigh and balance advantages versus disad- vantages. New Business Awards & Trophies. Ms. Wolfskill advised the Boar d that some of the Club ’ s Awards and Trophies still need to be photographed. Ms. Wolfskill made a motion re- questing Board authorization to do the last five (5) pho- tographs of certain Awards & Trophies that still require a photograph. Ms. Dorn seconded the motion. President Yoho called the question. Mr. Yoho noted that the “ ayes have it unanimously. ” The motion passed. Ms. Wolfskill noted that the Annual Awards photos do not include a year, and that she can add the year to our photos starting in 2023. The Board agreed that this would be a great idea. Ms. Wolfskill made a motion re- questing Board authorization that the Club add a year to the Annual Award Photos beginning in 2023. Sheridan Dulaney seconded the motion. President Yoho called the question. Mr. Yoho noted that the “ ayes have it unani- mously. ” The motion passed. 2023 Specialty Planning . Ms. Wolfskill and Ms. Peta- ri Hickson had already begun planning for the 2023 Spe- cialty. At Purina Farms, they booked the Event Center on Saturday and Sunday all day to accommodate our large events, including the Banquet, Annual Members Meeting, Judging Seminar, Health Clinic, SAC Seminar, etc. This way, Club Members will not have to transport back and forth between Purina Farms and the Hotel. It also gives our Club tremendous flexibility. The Event Center includes an AV System. Purina Farms will either cater for us, or allow us to bring in our own food for a 20% surcharge. The Annual Board Meeting would still be held at the Hotel. Ms. Wolfskill made a motion re- questing that the Board authorize securing the Event Center at Purina Farms for Saturday and Sunday of the 2023 Specialty. Cathy LoCascio seconded the motion. President Yoho called the question. Mr. Yoho noted that the “ ayes have it unanimously. ” The motion passed.

(Continued from page 15)

Board agreed to table this important discussion for a fu- ture meeting with input from the By - Laws Committee. AKC Purebred Preservation Bank. Ms. Smith r ecom- mended that although this topic has been deferred for several months, she recommended that the Club initiate discussions about AKC ’ s Purebred Preservation Bank and how it can benefit our breed. Mr. Yoho referenced correspondence from Barbara Baese to the Board that recommended the Club meet ad hoc to discuss how to best proceed with preserving frozen semen straws and pellets. Ms. Baese reminded us that the Board discussed this topic in early 2021 when AKC Delegate Karen Dorn and Ms. Smith advised that the Otterhound parent club has worked with AKC since 2017 and has successfully launched and maintained a Reproduction Bank for se- men straws and pellets. As Ms. Dorn and Ms. Smith have reported to the Board previously, AKC has created the AKC Purebred Preservation Bank in the summer of 2021, available for all parent clubs. KD advised that AKC set up a Working Group a few years ago that was spearheaded by Dr. Gregory, Charles Garvin (Delegate, Dalmatian Club of America), and other notable AKC officers. The Preservation Bank would function as a 501 (c)(3) not - for - profit organization, structured as a con- trolled affiliate similar to AKC Reunite and the AKC Human Fund. Charles Garvin describes the Preservation Bank as follows on AKC ’ s website: “ AKC would manage and fund the storage of frozen se- men, but parent clubs would have specific responsibili- ties and authorities, such as establishing a decision mak- ing entity, developing criteria for the acceptance and release of stored semen, and designating an authorized signatory. This scenario would have the advantage that parent clubs would not need to create or fund a new or- ganization, and AKC could use economies of scale and negotiate favorable prices for storage and other costs. Most policies and procedures would be applicable to all breeds, but customiza-tion for the specific needs of indi- vidual breeds would be possible. AKC could deal with the many existing semen storage banks across the coun- try, and the variety of state laws, to acquire frozen se- men that has been or will be abandoned, and ensure a proper chain of ownership. ” AKC will maintain the current option of a separate par- ent club sponsored semen bank, as authorized by the AKC Board in 2017, as this may be appropriate for some breeds. The Board engaged in a lively and vigorous discussion about whether and to what extent participation in AKC ’ s

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

Motion to Bestow an Honorary Membership on Mike Macbeth, Paul Keevil and Alexander Stoddart . Pr esi- dent Yoho presented a motion that the Club bestow an Honorary Membership to Mike Macbeth, Paul Keevil and Alexander Stoddart. For Mike and Paul, the Honorary Memberships would recognize their indefatigable devotion to our breed, maintaining the breed ’ s history and promoting its future, gathering Dandie Dinmont owners and admirers from around the world for the third time in Scotland during “ The Dandie Dinmont Trilogy – Celebrating the Dandie in History and Art ” which will take place the July 21 - 24, 2022. For Alexander (Sandy) Stoddart (who was sculp-

need to keep it as simple as possible. Following the IRS mileage rate makes it simple and comports with IRS standards. The Board agreed to explore and develop im- proved reimbursement procedures, and that this topic merits further discussion. The Board created a Reim- bursement Committee, and elected Cathy LoCascio, Trista Acker, Karen Dorn and Diane Hanowitz to the Reimbursement Committee. The Board asked the Com- mittee to report back to the Board, and tabled the pend- ing motion until further discussion commences. Motion to Increase the Investment Committee & Ap- point Kay Daniel. Tr easur er Hanowitz r eminded the Board that it had created an Investment Committee, and

tor to the Queen of England), the Honorary Membership would recognize Sandy ’ s world - renowned sculpture of Old Ginger in the Garden and Kennel Courtyard at the Han- ning. Mr. Yoho advised that if the Board passed this motion, he would be honored to pre- sent these Honorary Member- ships to Mike, Paul and Sandy during the Scotland events, and to prepare beautifully de- tailed proclamations of their Honorary Memberships. The Board discussed the role of Honorary Members within the Club. The Board discussed the incredible contributions each of these individuals has made to Dandie Dinmont Terriers. Ms. Wolfskill seconded the motion. President Yoho called the question. Mr. Yoho noted

she had previously made a motion to increase the size of the Committee. This motion did not pass at that time, which was made before the previous Board. Ms. Wolfskill advised that the Board would need to discuss this motion further, and take into consid- eration other factors, includ- ing what the Investment Com- mittee members do, how long they would serve, what non - compete disclosures were re- quired, etc. Ms. Hanowitz in- troduced a new motion to in- crease the size of the Invest- ment Committee, and to ap- point Kay Daniel as an addi- tional Advisor to the Commit- tee. Ms. Dulaney seconded the motion. President Yoho called the question. Mr. Yoho noted that the “ ayes have it unani-

that the “ ayes have it unanimously. ” The motion passed. Motion to Increase Reimbursement to Event Partici- pants for Meet the Breeds, Scottish Events, etc. Bar - bara Baese presented to the Board a motion to increase reimbursement for event - related costs such as gas and parking incurred by Members that participate as volun- teers on behalf of our Club at these Events (“ Participants ”). Reimbursement would be based on re- ceipts, numbers of trips to and from the Event Site, and a per diem amount for parking. Ms. Wolfskill recommend- ed that instead of receipts, etc., it ’ s best to keep the reim- bursement as simple as possible. Ms. Wolfskill recom- mended using the standard IRS mileage rate and to reim- burse for all parking expenses. We want to encourage Participants to volunteer. Because we are a 501(c)(7), we

mously. ” The motion passed. Motion that DDTCA Join the AKC Puppy Plan. Del- egate Dorn advised that AKC has a Puppy Plan to help communicate with people who buy puppies from parent club breeders. The Puppy Plan provides important infor- mation and an opportunity to communicate with new owners for one year. Ms. Dorn made a motion that the Club join this AKC Puppy Plan. Ms. Wolfskill seconded the motion. President Yoho called the question. Mr. Yoho noted that the “ ayes have it unanimously. ” The motion passed. Meeting adjourned. 

Mustard & Pepper


Fall 2022

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